The Mortgage Refinance For First Responders

The Mortgage Refinance For First Responders

First Responders, including firefighters, police officers, EMTs and nurses, put their lives on the line every day on the front lines, in all types of environments.   They work in rain and snow, and blistering heat.  They provide help to people in natural disasters.  They are the people that you want to show up in an emergency to help, so we wanted to help them back with the best mortgage refinance for first responders.

Our program offers a mortgage refinance for any first responder or healthcare worker that qualifies, with the added bonus of a free appraisal, a free loan check-up, and a donation to a first-responder related charity.

We love our first responders and health care workers, and have worked to give back to them in as many ways as possible, from donating to first-responder charities to sending them lunch during the current COVID-19 pandemic, where they are even more important than ever. 

These heroes have stood in the face of this disease, as well as an untold amount of emergencies, and helped strangers. 

A free appraisal is just that for first responders – we pay for the appraisal on their home!  Depending on the loan program, this can save borrowers anywhere from $400 to $4500!  The appraisal is the step in the first responder mortgage refinance where the home’s value is assessed for the purposes of the new mortgage.

We will also work up all of the loan options for first responders and health care workers for free.  We’ll let you know how much you can save, how much you can take out, or how far you can shorten your mortgage.

This program works across multiple loan platforms.  If you want to take cash-out to put in a pool or make repairs on the home, you can qualify.  If you want to shorten the length of your loan, use the first responder program.  If you just want to reduce your monthly payment, that’s a great way to utilize the first responder mortgage refinance program.

So if you are a first responder looking for a mortgage refinance, use the one that is designed to help you.

Call The Home Loan Expert Team at 800-991-6494. You can always apply online at for your VA Loan, and for your other mortgage needs, and we’re also open on Saturdays and will come to you to help close your loan. We work hard to make it easy on you.  Nobody gets lower rates on better loans than The Home Loan Expert, Ryan Kelley, why go anywhere else?