Over 1 Trillion Dollars in Credit Card Debt and Growing

Americans have, right now, over $1 trillion in credit card debt for the very first time in history.  We added $92.2 billion last year alone.  Americans are playing a dangerous game with credit card companies, and credit card companies are the ones that are going to win in the end unless we turn this around.  With the average household holding $8,600 in credit card debt, and home values rising while interest rates are still low, it’s time to cut up the credit cards and use a Cash Out Refinance to get your high-interest credit cards under control.  With over $1 trillion dollars in debt and growing, Americans need to reign in debt before it swallows us.

A Cash Out Refinance is the best way to take your credit card debt and turn it into lower interest rate debt, taking the pressure of making those payments every month off of your shoulders.  You can make one mortgage payment every month and stop sweating out minimum payments, missed payments, harassing phone calls, and escalating interest rates.

Credit card debt can ruin your prospects for years.  It can make it more difficult to buy a new home, buy a car, or make any major purchases because it skews your debt-to-income ratio wildly.  Owing high-interest money is always a losing proposition, and you’re paying more for the privilege.

That’s why using the equity in your home to pay off your credit cards makes so much sense.  You can roll all of your debt under your low-interest rate mortgage, and we’ll even write the check to the credit card company for you!

Call The Home Loan Expert Team at 800-991-6494. You can always apply online at hero.loan for your VA Loan, and www.thehomeloanexpert.com for your other mortgage needs, and we’re also open on Saturdays and will come to you to help close your loan. We work hard to make it easy on you.  Nobody gets lower rates on better loans than The Home Loan Expert, Ryan Kelley, why go anywhere else?