Giving Back With Big Brothers Big Sisters of St Louis

We started with Big Brothers Big Sisters about a year and a half ago. My wife Katie had the idea, and it seemed like a great way to give back to the community. We had always given money, but we felt like this could be a way to do something different, and really change someone’s life for the better.

Our little brother just turned 11, and we have a great time together. We take him ice skating, to the trampoline park, to our house to play basketball, to the batting cages, we are teaching him to cook, and we spend a lot of time just helping him with his homework and talking about his future plans.  That’s really the whole point, to help mentor somebody through their youth and give them a path to success that they may not have otherwise.  He’s getting all A’s and B’s right now, and we couldn’t be prouder.

When we first got involved, there were a lot of issues plaguing St. Louis, and we felt that we wanted to do more to help- in our community.

Big Brothers Big Sisters has over 1,000 kids in St. Louis alone waiting for someone to come on board and be their “Big.”  Our local St. Louis office is staffed with terrific people that will help connect you to someone that can really use your help and that you can bond with.

I think it is just as rewarding for my wife and I than it is for our Little Brother.  We get to see this young man grow and prosper, and become the best person he can be.  We want to encourage everyone to take a look at the program for themselves.  You won’t regret it.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Missouri is our local branch.  They’re located at 501 N. Grand Blvd., Suite 100, St. Louis, MO 63103.  You can also reach them online at or call them directly at (314) 361-5900 to learn more or to become a “Big”.