4 Reasons to Work With The Home Loan Expert On Your Mortgage

People ask us why we’re better to work with than big banks, and we have so many reasons it’s hard to answer that question.  Buying a home or refinancing with The Home Loan Expert team gives you an opportunity to save money and work with someone who cares about you, not the bottom line.  Here are 4 reasons to work with The Home Loan Expert.

There are way too many people involved in the process with a big bank.  You talk to a loan officer right away, and then may never see them face-to-face again.  It’s an incredibly frustrating process to work through the mortgage process with a bank, because you’ll spend as much time dealing with the delays and miscommunication as you do filling out your paperwork.

Big banks don’t make individual decisions.  They develop categories of borrowers – if you make “X” and have “Y” in the bank, you can borrow “Z”.  Mortgage companies like The Home Loan Expert make an individual decision on each borrower, and meet with you to explain your options and what we can do for you.  When we have all of your paperwork, we develop an individual picture just for you, and get you the mortgage that’s right for your situation.

The more people involved in a decision, the longer it takes to make a change.  Big banks are very slow to react to market trends.  As a smaller mortgage company, we can react so much faster to marketing conditions.  We have a meeting or bring it up to Ryan and BOOM, we’re doing loans more quickly and efficiently than before.

The bottom line at big banks is way more important than their customer service.  They will often move employees around the country in ways that will make the company money, but won’t help you by letting the local guy learn the areas.  Because The Home Loan Expert team is knowledgeable about every city that we work in, we can help you with property evaluations and developing a proper estimate for you.  Don’t borrow too much, or not enough to get your dream home.  Let us help you afford what you want.

When you’re ready to take the plunge, take advantage of lower mortgage rates to buy your home or refinance and save money.

Get Started

Call us at 800-991-6494.  You can always apply online at www.thehomeloanexpert.com, and we’re also open on Saturdays to better serve you. Don’t forget to follow @TheHomeLoanEx on Twitter for breaking mortgage news and knowledge.  Nobody gets lower rates on better loans than The Home Loan Expert, Ryan Kelley, why go anywhere else?